update: Listen to their 2008 Mardi Gras radio show HERE.

Halain Pardo, 4, Spy Boy, sings with his father Juan Pardo, War Chief, as The Golden Comanche Mardi Gras Indians dance on 1st Street. Mardi Gras 2008.
Brett Duke / Times-Picayune

Tipitina's has been a place for generations of musicians and music lovers to let the good times roll. On its 30th anniversary, musicians, fans and the people behind the scenes share personal memories of the landmark club.Also read: "Tipitina's Turns 30"
For many New Orleanians, Mardi Gras is a neighborhood cultural celebration. In the wake of Katrina, one of the city's oldest neighborhoods -- Treme -- clings to its traditions against a tide of change.
"As crudely funny as it is musically tight, the Morning 40 Federation could rule frat parties from coast to coast." "It's like going to dirty church."The M40F Myspace page with tons of music & videos is HERE.
(Full NY Times album review HERE.)
"It's going to be real pretty," Montana says, as he pushes a needle through a lavender pattern, stitching yet another tiny yellow sequin. "Nobody's going to be able to front me. Nobody."
I can't begin to know how to say this to those of you who love Kirk (not more than me), but Kirk had a heart attack yesterday morning. It hurts me to sit here and send this because now I have actually said it. I still cannot believe this. The Cardiologist called me this afternoon to go into more detail about his condition. His heart is operating at 20%...when it should be at 60-80%. There is a blockage somewhere and they have not determined where it is. The doctor also stated he could possibly have another heart attack before they find where the blockage is. He will remain in the hospital until next week.
Hurricane Katrina did most of us in...but now I am tired. I am hurt and devastated by this and I can't break down because I have to stay strong for Kirk. He is in good spirits right now, but very afraid. He wanted me to let you all know that he is okay. I would like for you all to join me in prayer and ask GOD to keep him here and to heal him, (body, soul, mind and spirit). I am not ready to lose him-and I know you all feel the same way. His hospital bill right now is in excess of $8000.00 because of all the tests and x-rays, blood work ups, ekg's, medicines and all of the specialist that have seen him. They are going to continue to run tests and do an angiogram (not sure if I spelled that one right) ASAP. His lungs are still filled with fluid and he is coughing constantly because the air can# is not get through to his lungs properly and the blood is not getting to his heart the way it should. He is on an I V and the EKGmachine is hooked up to him to monitor him.
If you would like to send him a card or a donation (toward the hospital bill we would be greatly appreciative as he does not have medical insurance).
Thank you for your continued love and support,
Venessa Joseph
P.O. Box 8852
New Orleans, LA 70182
Galactic's Stanton Moore has posted the following letter:
Hello fans of great music,
I'm writing to you to ask for your help in helping out my mentor, teacher and good friend Johnny Vidacovich. Johnny and his wife Deborah's house is in need of major repairs and they are in need of financial help. To compound matters, Johnny is developing arthritis in his right thumb. I want to keep him from having to play every single gig that comes his way so that the arthritis doesn't get worse. This is the house that I learned my most important musical lessons in. This is also the house that Kevin O'day, Brian Blade and many other great drummers learned in. Johnny is one of the most unique drummers in the world and is a New Orleans treasure.
So I want to help them in as many was as I can by letting as many people as I know that:- Johnny will be teaching lessons at the house for the next few weeks at a discounted rate of $75 an hour
- You can book the lessons with Deborah via email at jvidacovich@cox.net
- You can make a donations to the Vidacovich cause by mailing a check made out to Johnny Vidacovich to 4816 Bienville St. New Orleans, LA 70119Thanks for your help. Together we can help save the Vidacovich house!
Stanton Moore
Let's start with the BCS Bowl. Pardon my cynicism, but producers of shows like this usually give us some bad fit like a country star or some anorexic dregs from "American Idol." How did you get this gig?
The Preservation Hall Jazz Band got the call this year. I have been the guest vocalist for the band for the last three years, and it looks like I am getting the microphone for this one. As always, I am absolutely honored to be performing with these gentlemen.
So, do you know all the words?
Yes! I have been singing it 20 times a day since I got the call.
Are you going to go all Mariah on us or stick to the traditional arrangement?
Traditional is best. Of course, I'll sink my teeth into it a bit. There are some outlandish versions out there; it is a YouTube gold mine. Carl Lewis comes to mind.
New Orleans Bingo! Show HERE.
(Pictured right: a pic of me and a friend with the Bingo! krewe at the 2006 Bonnaroo Fest)